So it's extremely early in the morning and i couldn't sleep. I just wish i could know for sure whether the man i am supposed to fight and try to kill is my father or not. Why can't these things be easy? Anyway I'll get to the point of this blog post. Hopefully this wont be my last blog post, but for some reason today doesn't go as planned, i wan't everyone to know i died holding my head high and trying to do what i felt i needed to do. I also want my mother to know none of this is her fault, as it is a fault of my own curiosity and wanting for a father in my life. Hope to blog later tonight and let you all know what happened. Til' then Suhrab out. 
So there has been an interesting turn of events. Not only did I not get to talk to "my father", i ended up in a fight with the man. Push came to shove and nothing but the clinging of our swords could be heard. The most interesting part is that i won the fight and defeated him. What I have turmoil over though is whether i should have captured or killed him outright. I spared his life because it told me it was their tradition. Either way after today's fight I am dead tired. Tomorrow we are planned to meet again on the battle field and finish this like men. Hopefully he will see reason and listen to what i have to say. Maybe this coming fight can even be prevented. 
Another day has passed but I think i have spotted my father. He seems to be on the other side of the fight. Guess the only way to find out is to go and see. So it turns out it is probably my father but he doesn't realize I am his son and i cant completely be sure since he wont tell me who he is. We met on the battlefield and arranged to fight. I'm so excited but at the same time extremely anxious to know what will come of tomorrow. If only there was an easier way to tell him i was his son... I'm going to get a good nights rest and sleep on this, and hopefully come to a conclusion on the matter. I will keep everyone updated on whats going on. Suhrab out!
I've spent some time in the Turkish army now and I have met one great man by the name of Human. He is a very honorable man. He knows my story and says he is willing to help me even though my father is fighting against us. Other than Human I have few to no friends as I see I do not need them. Besides Human and I are the two best warriors in our division, we can easily fend for ourselves. We spend many days marching and sitting around fires at night camping out. So far my search has been hopeless. I promised myself I will not give up until I find my father.
I'm finally on my way! Hopefully it will only take me a couple of days to get to the front lines and hopefully find my father there. The trip there is going to be an interesting one that's for sure! I have to cover a incredible distance while traveling through valleys, mountains, and the like. Hopefully my travels will not be slowed my any misfortune. The one i am worried the most about is having to stop because of heavy rains. Any way i better get to walking, i'll make sure to keep everyone updated!

Today my journey to find my father shall begin. I made my decision to look for him by joining Persia's greatest enemy, Turkey. My plan is that I will prove to be a great warrior just like him and we shall meet on the battle field and he shall know that one so great as I must be of his descent and I shall tell him so. Upon this we shall fight together for the same cause side by side. My mother warns me that all may not go as planned and to ensure that he does believe me she gave me an amulet that he had given her during their time together. I shall find you father!


    I am a young Turkish warrior, son to Rustam the great Persian warrior. 


    January 2013

